Reflections On One Year As A Published Author
I officially became an author when Lead The Future: Strategies & Systems for Emerging Leaders was published on December 2nd, 2019. Needless to say, my vision for what this year would be like did not go according to plan, at all. I’m not here to make any excuses. The pandemic environment likely created different opportunities,…
The Virtue of Pessimism
This blog is an excerpt from my book, Lead The Future: Strategies and Systems for Emerging Leaders (the e-book is cheaper here). Pessimists assume that things will get worse, or not go according to plan, but they care about the outcome. They have an important function to play in challenging an overly optimistic consensus. As a society, we…
999 Real Fans
This blog is an excerpt from my book, Lead The Future: Strategies and Systems for Emerging Leaders (the e-book is cheaper here). You may want to familiarize yourself with Inequality and Power Laws before reading this blog post. Lookin’ for all my real friendsHow many of us? How many of us are real friendsTo real…
Inequality and Power Laws
This blog is an excerpt from my book, Lead The Future: Strategies and Systems for Emerging Leaders (the e-book is cheaper here). One of the people who has most influenced my thinking is former Wall Street trader, philosopher, and best-selling author Nicholas Nassim Taleb. If you find some of the ideas about probability in this…
How I Placed Into Third Semester German With Three Weeks Of Immersion
Wissen Sie, dass ich Deutsch spreche kann? I’m not fluent in German by any stretch of the imagination but I’m actively working on it! This is the quick story of my initial exposure to the German language, which led to my daily Duolingo practice. I am not an expert on language learning and didn’t use…
Paying it forward!
A year ago, I was living out of my backpack in hostels throughout Barcelona. Although I did live it up —enjoying paella, long walks on the beach, and quite a few adventures at clubs and cafes— I was also on my grind writing Lead The Future and launching my first crowdfunding campaign to cover the…
Dave Rubin Comes Out As a ‘Chad Centrist’ Nationalist, He Is Not A Classical Liberal
This post is a review of Don’t Burn This Book by Dave Rubin. This review was initially posted as a 3 star book review on Amazon. I pre-ordered this book to help support Dave for all of the wonderful, insightful interviews he has hosted over the past few years. I am grateful for how he…
Reflecting with YearCompass Pt. 1
Introspection is a super power. “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” -Albert Einstein To become more conscious of the traps you fall into, it’s helpful to have a journal. When you read through your old journals you will likely notice that you still have…
Take Control In 2020
2019 might have been the best year of my life. If I’m going to have any hope that 2020 will be as good, I’m going to need to take control of my life and focus my energy and attention on what I truly value. In my book, Lead The Future: Strategies and Systems for Emerging…
Why I Listen To ‘Controversial’ People
I enjoy listening to ‘controversial’ people. Even those who I do not admire or generally share values with. Why? I am a person who is easily engaged by novelty. The same conversation and set of ideas bore me. I consume a lot of content and information. When I hear the same concepts and talking points…